To sell is human. For startups enrolled in Google Launchpad Accelerator Program too.
Between a simple initial idea and the summit, already at base camp, 30 startups from all continents, chosen by Google for their top growth-stage from emerging ecosystems.
Selling is not dead, just reinvented
In reality the entire sales process went through a complete change of paradigm, that only few companies have deciphered and integrated. Those who think that adding last minute “digital tools” to old processes is enough might soon be sorry.
Get your clients buy from you…
Differentiation is the result of choices made by salespeople: i.e. wanting to share information, feeling accountable for the buyer’s investment, seriously trying to understand the client’s ecosystem. These choices are human, not technical.
Save time and energy. Get in touch.

Hermes Consultants
Janackovo Nabrezi 713/33
150 00 Prague 5
Didier Schapiro, founder and CEO
+420 774 444 756

Sales Doctor
Janackovo Nabrezi 713/33
150 00 Prague 5
Didier Schapiro
+420 277 771 277